Episode 11

Remnant Ministries: The Power of Prayer Part 2: The Benefits of Relational Prayer

Published on: 15th October, 2024

This podcast episode delves into the vital role of prayer in the life of a believer, emphasizing that developing a relationship with God is essential for effective communication through prayer. Brother Dre highlights the two primary forms of prayer: relational prayer and the prayer of faith, asserting that understanding God's desires and ways enriches one's spiritual journey. He emphasizes the importance of truly knowing God, which leads to a more profound worship experience, transforming it from a mere routine into a heartfelt lifestyle. Additionally, the episode discusses how a strong relationship with God fosters faith, enabling believers to trust in His promises and guidance. Listeners are encouraged to seek God not just for what He can provide, but for a deeper connection that fulfills their spiritual needs.

Brother Dre's podcast takes a profound look at the often-overlooked subject of prayer, challenging his audience to reevaluate their approach to this essential spiritual practice. He begins by pointing out a prevalent discomfort within many church communities regarding prayer, suggesting that it is often sidelined in favor of messages promising blessings and quick solutions. This reluctance to engage in prayer speaks to a broader trend where believers focus on what they can receive from God rather than seeking a genuine connection with Him. Dre posits that prayer is fundamentally about relationship—an opportunity to know God intimately rather than just a means to an end. He encourages listeners to approach prayer as an invitation to enter into God's presence, seek His face, and understand His character.

As the conversation unfolds, Dre outlines three significant effects of developing a relationship with God through prayer. The first effect pertains to learning God’s ways and desires. Citing Psalms 37:4, he emphasizes that true delight in the Lord will align one’s desires with His. This alignment is crucial, as it not only enriches the believer's life but also enables them to pursue their God-given purpose confidently. Dre illustrates this concept with relatable anecdotes, emphasizing that the desires we cultivate often stem from God’s influence in our lives. By acknowledging this divine guidance, believers are encouraged to embrace aspirations that are not merely self-derived but rather reflective of God’s unique plan for them.

The second effect Dre discusses revolves around the nature of worship. He asserts that worship should evolve from a ritualistic act into a holistic lifestyle that reflects one’s relationship with God. Drawing a clear distinction between mere praise and authentic worship, he invites his audience to consider the depth of their engagement with God. This engagement requires understanding what truly pleases Him, which can only come from deepening one’s relationship with the Divine. Lastly, Dre connects relational prayer with the development of faith, explaining that the more intimately we know God, the more our faith will flourish. He emphasizes that faith is rooted in believing that God tells the truth and that knowing His word is essential for faith to thrive. This enlightening conversation serves as an invitation for believers to cultivate a rich prayer life that not only transforms their relationship with God but also enriches their spiritual journey.


  • Prayer is essential for believers, especially in today's challenging times, and should be prioritized.
  • Developing a relationship with God allows us to learn His ways and desires.
  • Worship is not just an act, but a lifestyle that reflects our relationship with God.
  • True worship involves understanding who God is and connecting with Him intimately.
  • Faith in God is developed through relational prayer and understanding His word deeply.
  • God places desires within us to align with His will and purpose for our lives.
Brother Dre:

Hey, what's going on?

Brother Dre:

This is brother Dre on the mic.

Brother Dre:

And welcome to Remnant Ministries, where the word is being taught.

Brother Dre:

Hope that you had a good day on today.

Brother Dre:

I hope you're ready for the word.

Brother Dre:

We're going to get right back into what we started.

Brother Dre:

So we started talking about prayer.

Brother Dre:

Yeah, we was talking about prayer, something that, you know, we don't necessarily hear a lot about, or should I say we don't like to hear a lot about.

Brother Dre:

It's not that we don't hear about it, but we don't like to hear about it because we tend to want messages that say how we're going to be blessed and so on and so forth.

Brother Dre:

Seven steps to a miracle, things of that nature.

Brother Dre:

But we do recognize that prayer is needed in the body of Christ, especially nowadays.

Brother Dre:

We got a lot of things going on, and so we need to be praying.

Brother Dre:

It is the believers, it is an essential part of the believer's life that we must pray.

Brother Dre:

And so we're going to be getting into prayer again.

Brother Dre:

This is going to be prayer part two.

Brother Dre:

And on part one, we were kind of covering some of the things that prayer entails.

Brother Dre:

We talked about the two categories that prayer usually falls in.

Brother Dre:

That is relational prayer, and it is also the prayer of faith.

Brother Dre:

We really just hit the tip of the iceberg, as they like to say, when we started dealing with relational prayer.

Brother Dre:

That is relational prayer, knowing who God is, finding out who God is, just really getting his face, seeking his face and not his hand, you know, because many of us, when we think about prayer, it's only when we are asking God for something or we're venting to God about something.

Brother Dre:

But relational prayer is just building that relationship with God and discovering who he is.

Brother Dre:

And I think that is really something that is missing in the life of the believer nowadays, where we really just get in the presence of God and find out who he is, give God time to talk back instead of just giving him a wish list and then getting up, but really just wanting a desire, having a desire to know God in a special way.

Brother Dre:

And so we begin to talk about some of the things that happens when you have a relationship with God.

Brother Dre:

And so we're just going to kind of COVID some of those on today, and I hope that is beneficial to you.

Brother Dre:

Okay, so three things.

Brother Dre:

We're going to cover three things that will happen when you have a relationship with goddess.

Brother Dre:

Number one is, and I kind of touched on some of these things on the last episode, but I didn't go in depth with them so we're going to go in depth today.

Brother Dre:

So, number one is, you learn his ways.

Brother Dre:

You learn his ways.

Brother Dre:

You learn his desires.

Brother Dre:

Now, psalms 37 and four says, take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Brother Dre:

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Brother Dre:

Now, it's important to look at the scripture, because many times when we see that scripture where it says, he will give you the desires of your heart, we look at it as if he will give us what we ask him for.

Brother Dre:

And yes, he will.

Brother Dre:

God will give you what you you ask him for.

Brother Dre:

But I want you to understand that there's a deeper meaning in that.

Brother Dre:

Where he says he will give you the desires of your heart, it means that he will literally give you the desires of your heart.

Brother Dre:

In other words, he will plant that desire in your heart.

Brother Dre:

There's a reason why all of a sudden, you want what you want.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

There's a reason why you, all of a sudden, you wanted to become an entrepreneur.

Brother Dre:

There's a reason why you wanted a certain house.

Brother Dre:

There's a reason why you wanted certain attributes for your spouse.

Brother Dre:

There's a reason why.

Brother Dre:

And the reason is God has literally gave you his desires, and they have become your desires.

Brother Dre:

Oh, God, it's so good.

Brother Dre:

That sounds so good.

Brother Dre:

He's literally put that desire inside you because he wants the best for you.

Brother Dre:

How many times have you, have you found yourself saying, I'll give an example.

Brother Dre:

You find yourself saying, excuse me, y'all.

Brother Dre:

You find yourself saying, lord, if I can just make $50,000 a year, oh, my goodness, I'll be okay.

Brother Dre:

If I can just get $50,000 a year, I'll be okay.

Brother Dre:

And then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, your desire is no longer $50,000 a year, but your desire becomes 150,000 a year, 250,000 a year, a million dollars a year.

Brother Dre:

You know, you're thinking your dream, your dream actually increases.

Brother Dre:

Well, what was that?

Brother Dre:

It was God putting a desire in you of what he wants for you.

Brother Dre:

Okay, let me give you another example so we can kind of, you can kind of follow me in this thing.

Brother Dre:

So at one point, you would have been good with a Honda Accord.

Brother Dre:

And there's nothing wrong with the Honda Accord.

Brother Dre:

I like Hondas.

Brother Dre:

Personally, I love Hondas.

Brother Dre:

They're very durable.

Brother Dre:

They're, they're long lasting.

Brother Dre:

I like Hondas.

Brother Dre:

But now, all of a sudden, Honda Accord is not your dream car or the car that you really desire.

Brother Dre:

What you really desire now, may be a Lexus.

Brother Dre:

I don't, I don't even know the series now, Alexis 500 or Lexus 300, whatever the top of the line Lexus is.

Brother Dre:

Now, that's your desire.

Brother Dre:

Where did that come from?

Brother Dre:

It didn't come from you, because you wasn't even thinking on that wavelength.

Brother Dre:

But all of a sudden, it's just something that you want.

Brother Dre:

Have you ever been driving or in some place in a mall or just riding in a neighborhood and you saw something that sparked your interest and all of a sudden you just could not get that thing off your mind?

Brother Dre:

It was not something that you was thinking about.

Brother Dre:

But God has literally put that desire in you so that he can get it to you.

Brother Dre:

Because guess what?

Brother Dre:

God cannot give you anything that you don't desire.

Brother Dre:

Let me say that again.

Brother Dre:

God cannot give you anything you don't desire.

Brother Dre:

Oh, he will not give you anything that you, you don't desire.

Brother Dre:

You know, if you, if you want to, um, uh, if you want a house, God's not going to give you a boat.

Brother Dre:

He's going to give you what you want.

Brother Dre:

So he plants that desire inside you and he just waits for you, waits for you to agree and say, you know what?

Brother Dre:

Yeah, I think I will like that.

Brother Dre:

Have you, have you ever done your child like that?

Brother Dre:

Your child says, well, I like these shoes right here.

Brother Dre:

And, and you're looking at them, you're like, yeah, they're okay, but let me show you these over here.

Brother Dre:

You know, and they may be a more expensive shoe.

Brother Dre:

And you be like, now what do you think about these?

Brother Dre:

These can actually do this and they're good for this.

Brother Dre:

And the kid be like, you know what?

Brother Dre:

Yeah, I think I like that.

Brother Dre:

Well, why do they like it?

Brother Dre:

Well, now they have discovered that shoe.

Brother Dre:

You've shown them that shoe, that it does exist.

Brother Dre:

And now you have pointed out things that it can do or how it's better than the previous shoe they were looking at.

Brother Dre:

It's the same thing with God.

Brother Dre:

Sometimes we don't really know.

Brother Dre:

We know what we want, but we don't really know that God has better for us or that there is better for us.

Brother Dre:

Until God puts that desire in us.

Brother Dre:

Then we start looking at him, be like, you know what?

Brother Dre:

I'm, I think I will like this a lot more than what I was looking at initially.

Brother Dre:

So God will literally give you the desires of your heart.

Brother Dre:

Now, let's prove this.

Brother Dre:

Let's prove this fact.

Brother Dre:

All right?

Brother Dre:

Psalms 37 and four says, take the light in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

Romans 814 says this.

Brother Dre:

It says, for those who are led by the spirit of God are the children of God.

Brother Dre:

Keep that in mind.

Brother Dre:

For those who are led by the spirit of God are the children of God.

Brother Dre:

So if I am led by the spirit of God, that means my desires will line up with his desires.

Brother Dre:

Oh, God, I hope you follow me.

Brother Dre:

Let me prove this further.

Brother Dre:

n, first Corinthians, chapter:

Brother Dre:

It says, however it is written, what no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived, the things God has prepared for those who love him.

Brother Dre:

These are the things God has revealed to us by his.

Brother Dre:

Uh oh.

Brother Dre:

By his spirit.

Brother Dre:

The spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.

Brother Dre:

For who knows a person's thoughts except their own spirit within them?

Brother Dre:

In the same way, no one knows the thoughts of God except the spirit of God.

Brother Dre:

So wait a minute.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

What is that?

Brother Dre:

Verse nine.

Brother Dre:

What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has, can.

Brother Dre:

The things God has prepared for those who love him.

Brother Dre:

But it is revealed by his spirit.

Brother Dre:

So see, God has something in store for you that your eyes have not seen.

Brother Dre:

I know we like to think it's just the eyes of the world, but it's also your eyes.

Brother Dre:

It's your natural flesh.

Brother Dre:

It's your eyes.

Brother Dre:

What no eye has seen, what?

Brother Dre:

No ear?

Brother Dre:

Because it said, no eye, no ear.

Brother Dre:

That means the world as well as yours.

Brother Dre:

Neither has it entered into the thought of man the things God has prepared for those who love him.

Brother Dre:

But how does he reveal it to us?

Brother Dre:

He said it is revealed by his spirit.

Brother Dre:

It is revealed to us by his spirit.

Brother Dre:

So guess what?

Brother Dre:

If I am led by the spirit of God, then I am tapping into God and his mindset.

Brother Dre:

Those who are led by the spirit of God are the sons of God or the children of God.

Brother Dre:

So now I take on his mindset.

Brother Dre:

I begin to understand what he wants.

Brother Dre:

He reveals these things by his spirit.

Brother Dre:

Are you following me?

Brother Dre:

So yes, he gives you the desires of your heart, but he literally plants that desire inside you.

Brother Dre:

Because God wants the best for you.

Brother Dre:

Glory to God.

Brother Dre:

He wants the best for you.

Brother Dre:

You ought to just say that to yourself.

Brother Dre:

God wants the best for me.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

See, we got to get out of the mindset that, you know, we're just supposed to be so humble and, you know, just just so humble.

Brother Dre:

And yeah, we are supposed to be humble, but that doesn't equate to broke.

Brother Dre:

Let me say that again.

Brother Dre:

Yes, we have to be humble, but that doesn't equate to broke.

Brother Dre:

Humble is a state of being.

Brother Dre:

You know, I can be humble and still be prosperous.

Brother Dre:

Hallelujah to God.

Brother Dre:

Being humble doesn't mean I have to have the.

Brother Dre:

The worst stuff, the cheap stuff, you know?

Brother Dre:

And it's all up to your desire.

Brother Dre:

Though now, your desire may not be my desire.

Brother Dre:

You know, your desire may be a Mercedes Benz.

Brother Dre:

I may want Alexis.

Brother Dre:

Your desire may be a ranch home.

Brother Dre:

I may want a two story, or I may want a condiment.

Brother Dre:

Whatever my desire is, he'll give it to me.

Brother Dre:

He'll plant that desire inside me.

Brother Dre:

Hallelujah to God.

Brother Dre:

God wants the best for you.

Brother Dre:

Will you allow him to lead you to the best?

Brother Dre:

Would you allow him to give you the best?

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

Because how many know that?

Brother Dre:

Sometimes we try to ignore those things.

Brother Dre:

We were like, well, you know, it's looking at me, but, well, I don't really need it, you know?

Brother Dre:

Well, we're not talking about needs.

Brother Dre:

We're talking about desires.

Brother Dre:

Will you allow, oh, God, help me.

Brother Dre:

Will you allow God to give you your desires?

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

Praise your holy name, God.

Brother Dre:

So when you develop a relationship with God, you learn his ways.

Brother Dre:

You learn his desire.

Brother Dre:

You learn his ways.

Brother Dre:

If you look at psalms 37, 23, and 24, it says, the Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him.

Brother Dre:

Though he may stumble, he will not fail or fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.

Brother Dre:

Why is this important?

Brother Dre:

You begin to learn his ways.

Brother Dre:

You begin to understand that he will never leave you nor forsake you.

Brother Dre:

You begin to understand that he will.

Brother Dre:

He will guide you in every situation.

Brother Dre:

You will begin to understand wherever he guides you, he will make sure that you will not fall.

Brother Dre:

You may have a hiccup, you may stumble, but God will be there, right beside you.

Brother Dre:

You will begin to understand that God is a protector.

Brother Dre:

He is a comforter.

Brother Dre:

You will know his ways.

Brother Dre:

You will know that I have never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread that scripture will become alive to you.

Brother Dre:

When you begin to know his ways, because you have developed a relationship with him.

Brother Dre:

You will begin to know when he says, the battle is not yours, but it's the Lord's, you will know what that really means.

Brother Dre:

You will really understand when he says, no weapon formed against you shall be able to prosper.

Brother Dre:

You will begin to understand what all that entails.

Brother Dre:

You only find that out when you develop a relationship with God.

Brother Dre:

Can I tell you something?

Brother Dre:

Because I hear the Holy Spirit saying something to me.

Brother Dre:

He says, you begin to know my word, and my word will become alive to you.

Brother Dre:

Once you develop that relationship with me, my word will become alive to you.

Brother Dre:

When you develop that relationship with me, you will get revelation of his word.

Brother Dre:

When you have revelation of who he is through relationship.

Brother Dre:

Hallelujah to God.

Brother Dre:

Praise God.

Brother Dre:

So number one is you learn his ways.

Brother Dre:

You learn his ways.

Brother Dre:

Number two, things that happen when you develop a relationship with God or things you begin to understand is you learn how to worship God.

Brother Dre:

You learn how to worship God.

Brother Dre:

Now this is a big one.

Brother Dre:

You learn how to worship God because let's just say, let's understand this.

Brother Dre:

Anybody can praise God.

Brother Dre:

The Bible says, let everything that has breath praise the Lord.

Brother Dre:

But you learn how to worship God.

Brother Dre:

Your life, it becomes a lifestyle to you.

Brother Dre:

You know what it is to be intimate with God.

Brother Dre:

You begin to just know what pleases him.

Brother Dre:

And when you begin to know what pleases him, you will understand that it takes more than just you lifting your hands on a Sunday morning.

Brother Dre:

You begin to understand it takes more than just singing a song on Sunday morning.

Brother Dre:

But you will begin to understand that worship is a lifestyle.

Brother Dre:

You will begin to know what he likes, what he desires, how to make him smile, how to stroke his ego, all the things that get God's attention.

Brother Dre:

What, what really makes him inhabit your praise and your worship.

Brother Dre:

You begin to understand all of that.

Brother Dre:

Hallelujah to God.

Brother Dre:

You go from having a one night stand to being married to goddess.

Brother Dre:

Glory to God.

Brother Dre:

Hallelujah to God.

Brother Dre:

See, a lot of these things you can equate to relationships because that's what it is.

Brother Dre:

But you can equate it to natural relationships.

Brother Dre:

So let me put it like this.

Brother Dre:

You know, you can have a one night stand with somebody and they make you feel good for a moment.

Brother Dre:

You know, the way they make you feel good is through that moment of pleasure.

Brother Dre:

No matter how long it was, whether it's 20 minutes, 40 minutes, an hour, you know, however long it lasts, it lasts for that moment.

Brother Dre:

But see, if you don't have a one night stand, but you have a relationship, you have a marriage.

Brother Dre:

I can, I can show you my love.

Brother Dre:

You can feel me even if I don't touch you.

Brother Dre:

Oh, glory to God.

Brother Dre:

Somebody may not understand what I'm talking about, but for those who've really been in love, you understand what I'm talking about right now.

Brother Dre:

I don't necessarily have to touch you.

Brother Dre:

I can look at you a certain way.

Brother Dre:

And the energy, oh, God, the energy is just different.

Brother Dre:

The presence, the atmosphere is just different.

Brother Dre:

It's the same way with God.

Brother Dre:

When you have that relationship with God, the energy is different.

Brother Dre:

The atmosphere is different.

Brother Dre:

It's different than a one night stand.

Brother Dre:

I don't have to do all this, you know, doing all this stuff, trying to figure out what you like.

Brother Dre:

I already know what you like.

Brother Dre:

I already know what God likes.

Brother Dre:

I already know how to enter into his presence.

Brother Dre:

I already know how to make him smile.

Brother Dre:

I already know how to get his attention.

Brother Dre:

So when you in relationship with God, you learn how to worship him.

Brother Dre:

Glory to God.

Brother Dre:

Look at John, chapter four, looking at verse 21 through 24.

Brother Dre:

John, chapter four, verse 21 through 24, it says.

Brother Dre:

And we're picking up the story.

Brother Dre:

We're picking up the story of the woman at the well.

Brother Dre:

And I encourage everybody to read the entire chapter.

Brother Dre:

I believe the entire chapter of John, chapter four.

Brother Dre:

But we're picking up the story of the woman at the well.

Brother Dre:

And verse 21 says, woman.

Brother Dre:

Jesus replied, believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the father, neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.

Brother Dre:

You Samaritans, this is a key scripture, verse 22.

Brother Dre:

You Samaritans worship what you do not know.

Brother Dre:

We worship what we do know for salvation is from the Jews.

Brother Dre:

So what is he saying?

Brother Dre:

You Samaritans, you worship what you do not know.

Brother Dre:

You go through the motions and you throw up.

Brother Dre:

Worship, quote unquote worship.

Brother Dre:

But you don't even know who you're worshiping.

Brother Dre:

It's kind of hard to worship something you don't know.

Brother Dre:

It's kind of hard to show me love when you don't know what I like.

Brother Dre:

You understand what I'm saying?

Brother Dre:

So he's saying, you, samantha's, worship what you do not know.

Brother Dre:

We worship what we do know.

Brother Dre:

For salvation is from the jews.

Brother Dre:

Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers glory to God, will worship the father in spirit and in truth.

Brother Dre:

For they are the kind of worshipers the father seeks.

Brother Dre:

Verse 23 again.

Brother Dre:

Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and in truth.

Brother Dre:

So now when we look at verse 23, it says, to worship in spirit and in truth.

Brother Dre:

What does that mean?

Brother Dre:

Because many times we see things, we see scriptures, and we don't quite understand what that mean.

Brother Dre:

Or we see words, and we don't quite understand what that means.

Brother Dre:

So when he says, in spirit, it's talking about to have a heart for God.

Brother Dre:

It's to have a heart for God.

Brother Dre:

And so when he says, in truth, it means to worship him based on a relationship with Jesus Christ and his word.

Brother Dre:

Let me read you truth again.

Brother Dre:

What truth is.

Brother Dre:

Truth is to worship him based on a relationship with Jesus Christ and his word.

Brother Dre:

Now, I know I'm going to be going through a lot of scriptures, but if you read John 14 and six, you can take notes.

Brother Dre:

John 14 and six, it says, jesus answered, I am the way, the truth and the life.

Brother Dre:

No one listen, no one comes to the father except through me.

Brother Dre:

So we see what John chapter four says, four and 23, he said, we'll worship in spirit and in truth.

Brother Dre:

And then in John 14 and six, jesus tells you he is the truth.

Brother Dre:

So the truth is to worship him based on a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Brother Dre:

So guess what?

Brother Dre:

You cannot worship the Father unless you have a relationship with the Son.

Brother Dre:

Did you catch that?

Brother Dre:

You cannot worship the Father unless you have a relationship with the son.

Brother Dre:

You can't separate it.

Brother Dre:

It's impossible.

Brother Dre:

So for all these people who say, oh, I worship God, you know, and I love God and all this other stuff, but you don't have a relationship with Jesus.

Brother Dre:

You can't do it.

Brother Dre:

You can't do it unless you accept Jesus, oh, God, as your lord and savior.

Brother Dre:

You can't worship the father.

Brother Dre:

He is the way, the truth and the life.

Brother Dre:

For all those other religions that acknowledge God but want to acknowledge Jesus.

Brother Dre:

You can't worship God because you disrespect Jesus.

Brother Dre:

You don't have a relationship with Jesus.

Brother Dre:

So you learn how to worship God through the sun.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

Praise God.

Brother Dre:

Now look at Hebrews chapter 13.

Brother Dre:

We're going to look at 15 and 16.

Brother Dre:

Let me prove this a little bit more.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

It says, through Jesus.

Brother Dre:

Through Jesus.

Brother Dre:

Through Jesus.

Brother Dre:

Therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise that is the fruit of our lips, openly professing his name.

Brother Dre:

And do not forget to do good and to share with others.

Brother Dre:

For with such sacrifices, God is pleased.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

The more time I spend with God and get to know him, the more faith I have in him.

Brother Dre:

Let me, let me back up, because I'm getting ahead of myself.

Brother Dre:

So it says, through Jesus.

Brother Dre:

Therefore, let us offer, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise.

Brother Dre:

What's the sacrifice of praise?

Brother Dre:

That is the fruit of your lips that openly profess his name.

Brother Dre:

Glory to God.

Brother Dre:

I developed that relationship with God.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

When I spend time with him, we were talking about, we're talking about relational prayer.

Brother Dre:

When I developed that relationship with Goddesse, glory to God, but I have to do it through Jesus.

Brother Dre:

Jesus is the only way I can really worship God.

Brother Dre:

For those that didn't know, amen.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

I can go a lot deeper than that, but I'm going to keep it right there.

Brother Dre:

So number one was three things that happen when you develop a relationship with God.

Brother Dre:

You learn his ways, his desires.

Brother Dre:

You learn his ways and his desires.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

Number two is you learn to worship God or how to worship God.

Brother Dre:

And by the way, worship is a form of prayer.

Brother Dre:

Oh, what you say?

Brother Dre:

Yep, worship is a form of prayer.

Brother Dre:

How is it a form of prayer?

Brother Dre:

What is prayer?

Brother Dre:

Prayer is communication between you and God.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

If you and your, your spouse are, you know, you're speaking sweet nothings to your spouse, or y'all not communicating and she's speaking in back, or are you not communicating?

Brother Dre:

It's communication.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

So number two was, you learn to worship God.

Brother Dre:

Learn how to worship God.

Brother Dre:

Number three is, and this is what I was getting into, number three is, it helps develop faith in God.

Brother Dre:

It helps develop faith in God.

Brother Dre:

Now, in the previous message, we said that you must have relational prayer, or I'll just say relationship, in order to maximize the prayer of faith.

Brother Dre:

Because you cannot maximize the prayer of faith if you don't know who you have faith in or who you trust in.

Brother Dre:

But so number three, it helps develop faith in God.

Brother Dre:

So now, what is faith?

Brother Dre:

It is believing, simplest term, now it is believing that God told the truth.

Brother Dre:

That's what faith is.

Brother Dre:

It is believing that God told the truth.

Brother Dre:

And I'm not sure where I heard that first from, but that is something that, a definition that I have been using for years.

Brother Dre:

It is believing that God told the truth.

Brother Dre:

Whatever God said, I believe that he's telling the truth, I believe it.

Brother Dre:

If he said I can be healed, I believe it.

Brother Dre:

If he said I could have peace in my life, I believe it.

Brother Dre:

If he said that my home, my family is getting ready to turn around, I believe it.

Brother Dre:

Whatever he says, I believe it.

Brother Dre:

I take him at his word.

Brother Dre:

I believe that God is not a man, that he should lie, neither the son of man that he can repent.

Brother Dre:

If he said it, it has to happen.

Brother Dre:

What is faith?

Brother Dre:

It is believing that God told the truth.

Brother Dre:

Hebrews eleven and one says, now, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Brother Dre:

So even when I don't see it, in the natural, I trust the word of God.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

Even when I don't see it in the natural, I can't touch it right now.

Brother Dre:

But I believe the word of God.

Brother Dre:

I believe what he said is true.

Brother Dre:

And so I'm going, because of my belief in God's word, my belief in him, it's going to pull it from the spiritual side into the physical side.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

To God.

Brother Dre:

And so many of us, we struggle with faith because, again, we don't really know who God is.

Brother Dre:

We don't really know.

Brother Dre:

We think we know, but we really don't know.

Brother Dre:

But once we spend time with God, spend time in his word, our faith increases.

Brother Dre:

Glory to God.

Brother Dre:

When we spend time with God, spend time in his word, because him and his word is one, it helps develop our faith.

Brother Dre:

Our faith increases.

Brother Dre:

How do I get faith?

Brother Dre:

Or how do I increase my faith?

Brother Dre:

Well, the Bible tells us in Romans, chapter ten, verse 17, it says, so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

Brother Dre:

You got to get into the word.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

I remember ministering this word, and God gave me this illustration or told it to me like this.

Brother Dre:

To spend time with God is to know the heart of God, to spend time in time in his word.

Brother Dre:

You see the mind of God, you understand?

Brother Dre:

To spend time with him.

Brother Dre:

I'm in his presence.

Brother Dre:

I begin to understand his feelings.

Brother Dre:

I sense things.

Brother Dre:

I begin to understand his heart.

Brother Dre:

But when I read his word, I begin to know his mind, what he thinks about this, what he thinks about that.

Brother Dre:

Glory to God.

Brother Dre:

So how do I get faith?

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

The word of God.

Brother Dre:

Praise God.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

Look at Hebrews, chapter eleven, verse six.

Brother Dre:

Glory to God.

Brother Dre:

I hope you've been helped on today.

Brother Dre:

Hebrews eleven, chapter six.

Brother Dre:

It says, but without faith, it is impossible, impossible to please him.

Brother Dre:

For he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Brother Dre:

Glory to God.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

The key point is he rewards those that diligently seek him.

Brother Dre:

That are diligently in his face.

Brother Dre:

That are diligently in his face.

Brother Dre:

Talking about developing a relationship with him, I am constantly seeking God.

Brother Dre:

Constantly want to know more about him.

Brother Dre:

Notice it didn't say constantly seeking his hand, but it is seeking him.

Brother Dre:

Some of us, we get caught up only seeking his hand.

Brother Dre:

We are seeking his power, his resources, but we're not seeking him.

Brother Dre:

Glory to God.

Brother Dre:

But he's wanting you to seek him.

Brother Dre:

But without faith, it is impossible to please him, for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Brother Dre:

The Bible says in Matthew, chapter six, very familiar scripture, 633.

Brother Dre:

But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.

Brother Dre:

What are all these things?

Brother Dre:

What it tells us in the previous scriptures, you know, basically all your needs, all your desires.

Brother Dre:

He says, seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and then all these things will be added unto you.

Brother Dre:

I want to ask you, are you seeking his hand?

Brother Dre:

Are you seeking his resources or are you seeking him?

Brother Dre:

Glory to God.

Brother Dre:

Nobody likes no man.

Brother Dre:

I'm going to speak on the man's point of view.

Brother Dre:

No man likes a woman to seek his wallet.

Brother Dre:

Yeah, I said it.

Brother Dre:

No man likes for a woman to seek his wallet.

Brother Dre:

Now, I know there's a lot of YouTube videos and all this stuff where, you know, you see men talking about, they just pay for it.

Brother Dre:

And, you know, when they talk about sex, you know, pay for sex for sex and things of that nature.

Brother Dre:

But truthfully, every man wants a woman that wants them for them, not for what I can do for you, not for my wallet, not for my house, not because I'm famous, not because I got power.

Brother Dre:

I want you to want me for me.

Brother Dre:

And so God is saying, I want you to want me for me, not because you're in trouble, not because you want your rent paid, not because you want a brand new car, not because you're sick.

Brother Dre:

You know, thank God you come to me when you're sick, but I want you to come to me before the sickness ever occurs.

Brother Dre:

Oh, God.

Brother Dre:

Lord, I hope somebody catching this, but without faith it is impossible to please him.

Brother Dre:

For he that cometh to God cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a reward of them that diligently seek him.

Brother Dre:

Now I want you to notice something else.

Brother Dre:

Notice it says seeking him and him not seeking you.

Brother Dre:

Oh, boy.

Brother Dre:

Can we talk about it for a minute?

Brother Dre:

God wants you to pursue him.

Brother Dre:

He shouldn't have to pursue you.

Brother Dre:

See, we, some of us got this thing twisted because, you know, we just feel like that, well, if he really wants me, you know, we be making all kind of deals and, well, Lord, if you really want me, you know, then I need to see something.

Brother Dre:

You know, Lord, if you do this for me, then I'll serve you.

Brother Dre:

No, you should be seeking him, not the other way around.

Brother Dre:

You know, we make up all these excuses well, Lord, I'm just not ready yet, you know?

Brother Dre:

So that means that, so you mean to tell me, let me tell you what you're saying to God, and you may not realize this.

Brother Dre:

When a person says, lord, I'm not ready yet.

Brother Dre:

What you're saying to God is, what I'm doing right now is more important than you.

Brother Dre:

That's what you're saying.

Brother Dre:

My life right now.

Brother Dre:

What I'm doing in my life right now is more important than you.

Brother Dre:

I know that you came down on this earth.

Brother Dre:

I know that you got crucified for me.

Brother Dre:

You, you know, you had those thorns in your head.

Brother Dre:

You know, you was beat unrecognizable as a man.

Brother Dre:

You know, you hung on the cross and all that.

Brother Dre:

I got all that.

Brother Dre:

But what I'm doing right now is a little bit more important than you now.

Brother Dre:

How does that sound to you?

Brother Dre:

But we do it all the time.

Brother Dre:

We do it all the time.

Brother Dre:

I almost forgot what I was talking about.

Brother Dre:

I was about to go on another tangent.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

Hebrews eleven and six.

Brother Dre:

One more time.

Brother Dre:

But without faith, it is impossible to please him.

Brother Dre:

For he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Brother Dre:

God wants you to seek him.

Brother Dre:

And the only way you're going to develop your faith in God or increase your faith in God is seeking him, getting to know him, reading his word, developing that relationship with him.

Brother Dre:

Glory to God.

Brother Dre:

So we was talking about relational prayer, how it develops a relationship.

Brother Dre:

We talked about the three things that happens when you do develop a relationship with God.

Brother Dre:

Things that you learn to.

Brother Dre:

You learn about God.

Brother Dre:

Glory to God.

Brother Dre:

You learn what it is to worship God.

Brother Dre:

You learn his ways.

Brother Dre:

You learn his desires.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

You develop faith in God, your faith increases because you know who he is.

Brother Dre:

You know, if we got to a point where we really, I mean, really knew who God was, we would see all kinds of things happening.

Brother Dre:

You hear people talk about, why doesn't the church have an effect on society on the earth like it used to?

Brother Dre:

It's because we don't know God like we, like our predecessors, we don't know him like we should.

Brother Dre:

We don't reverence him like we should.

Brother Dre:

Why don't we reverence him?

Brother Dre:

Because we don't know him.

Brother Dre:

You understand how that works?

Brother Dre:

If I really knew who God was, there's certain things I wouldn't, I wouldn't even do if I had a relationship with God, and I loved him as much as I say I love him.

Brother Dre:

There's certain things I wouldn't even.

Brother Dre:

I wouldn't even do.

Brother Dre:

Or if I, you know, I would, oh, God, I would tread so light.

Brother Dre:

I would try so hard to please him because I have a relationship with him.

Brother Dre:

And with the relationship, you develop love.

Brother Dre:

And, you know, you try your hardest to please someone when you love them, not when it's just a word, but you actually love them.

Brother Dre:

So we need to.

Brother Dre:

That's why it's so important to pray to God, to have that relational prayer, to spend time with him, to know who he is, to develop that relationship with God, because without it, we are missing.

Brother Dre:

We are missing so much.

Brother Dre:

We are missing the authority that we have.

Brother Dre:

We don't reverence him like we should.

Brother Dre:

Relationship is important.

Brother Dre:

And so I was saying, the two types of prayer, or the two categories that all your prayers will fall into is relational prayer.

Brother Dre:

Developing that relationship and the prayer of faith.

Brother Dre:

Once I have that relationship, now, the prayer of faith can really be used.

Brother Dre:

Now I can get results because I know who he is.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

And we will pick that up at another time.

Brother Dre:

Hope you got something out of the word on today.

Brother Dre:

If you did, please give me, you know, send a message.

Brother Dre:

Let me know that you've been blessed.

Brother Dre:

I've gotten many messages saying that they have been blessed, that they enjoy the podcast and they're learning from the podcast.

Brother Dre:

Please continue to support.

Brother Dre:

Tell somebody else about it.

Brother Dre:

You know, we're no nonsense right here.

Brother Dre:

This is just where the word is being taught.

Brother Dre:

We are starting.

Brother Dre:

I am also doing something called ministry after dark, these special episodes where we just have a good time, but we also talk about things that you may not talk about in church.

Brother Dre:

These are the things that you talk about at your kitchen table.

Brother Dre:

And we know how that can get.

Brother Dre:

I know at least that mine.

Brother Dre:

But anyway, hope you got something out of word on today.

Brother Dre:

I will see you next time.

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Day41 Outreach
Day41 mission is to bring souls to Christ, be a safe place for todays believer, be informative, educate and challenge the Body of Christ to stay committed to the call. Kingdom Minded for Kingdom People.

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Otis Baxter